Cash Receipts Module
WinCAMS features a Cash Receipts module for high-volume revenue transactions. The program provides options of separation of duties between:
- Data entry of Cash Receipts Log: summary information used to create and print a Cash Receipt form for customer.
- Disposal of Cash Receipts: identification of actual disposal of each receipt: Deposit, Return to Sender, Held in Safe, etc.
- Completion of Revenue allocation screen: data entry of proper Revenue Account Nos, Project Nos, Invoice Nos, Funding Sources, etc.
The Cash Receipts module is fully integrated with the following WinCAMS modules and can distribute processed payments to:
- A/R Module
- Solid Waste A/R Module
- Utility A/R Module
Besides the traditional Audit Trails and financial reports, the module also produces:
- Cash Receipt Form
- Auditor Deposit Form (customized)
- Electronic interface with county / city’s Financial Treasury system