Development Services Revenues
WinCAMS Development Services module assists in managing Revenues collected at a county / city Permit Center for services such as Certificates of Compliance, Property Line Adjustments, Subdivision Application, etc.
For each Revenue Category the following information is tracked and recorded:
- Permit Count by Calendar Month
- Permit $ Amount by Calendar Month
- Refund Count by Calendar Month
- Refund $ Amount by Calendar Month
At the completion of each Accounting Month the following financial reports and revenues distribution procedures are available:
- Economic (Permit) Activity Comparison Report: Permit Activity for current Period (and Year-to-Date) is compared to Permit Activity for the same Period last year (and Year-to Date).
- Total collected Revenues are auto-distributed to multiple Departments (Budget Units) based on a flexible distribution procedure; e.g. County Counsel, Development Services, Public Works, etc. each get a computed portion of total collected revenues.